If you would like to inquire about any of the following services, please contact us by phone, toll-free at 888-752-7272 or email us at esales@stockcarsteel.com.
Grinding Capabilities
- Centerless Grinding: Cincinnati #2 EA Centerless Grinder
An oldie but a goodie. Developed in the 1940’s to support the manufacturing boom that coincided with World War II, these grinders are still widely used today. Many machinists will tell you that a better grinder has yet to be made. This machine has the ability to grind and/or polish tubular steel and round bar stock from 3/4” up to 3-1/2” in diameter. At Stock Car Steel & Aluminum, we typically use our grinder to manipulate wall thickness for chassis manufacturing in the world of motorsports. We have an in-line sonic tester that checks the wall thickness thousands of times as the material exits the machine, allowing a very high level of accuracy in terms of stock removal. We can grind and polish material as long as 24’ in length. The reduction of wall thickness and outside diameter, in addition to simply polishing raw material, are all possible in our grinding shop. This grinder can remove mill scale and provide a very lustrous finish, which is not only aesthetically pleasing, but improves the overall weldability of the material.
- Flat Surface Grinding: Garboli GPS Modulo
This state-of-the-art machine is suitable for finishing operations on tubular metals, bar stock and sheet product with a square or rectangular shape. This grinder works very well with many materials including stainless steel, carbon steel, iron, aluminum, brass and others. It is particularly suitable for de-burring operations on laser and plasma cuts. Much like our centerless grinder, we typically use this machine to manipulate wall thickness on square and rectangular steel tubing for use in the motorsports industry. A by-product of this operation is a very smooth and lustrous finish to the material. We can grind and polish material as wide as 8”, as high as 5” and as long as 24’. The working process for this machine is wet. A cooling mixture is sprayed on the workpiece under process and convoyed to a filtering device to clean the liquid from residuals before further recirculation.
Shearing Capabilities
At Stock Car Steel & Aluminum, we can shear just about anything that you need. We have a high capacity hydraulic shear that can cut aluminum material up to 5/16” thick, steel material up to 1/4” thick and sheets as wide as 12’. We also shear plastic material fairly regularly, including polycarbonate, ABS and HDPE.
Sawing Capabilities
We have multiple band saws that run non-stop all day, every day. We can cut and de-burr tube and bar stock to your specifications on just about any material. One cut or one hundred cuts, we are happy to provide this service.